There is no such thing as cold...

As any chemical engineer understands this is a true statement. However, it does take a minute to adjust the mind to get there.
There is no such thing as cold...

As any chemical engineer understands this is a true statement. However, it does take a minute to adjust the mind to get there. But, I feel cold. Wrong. You feel the absence of heat. Heat is the only thing that exist here and cold is just a measurement of the amount of heat.        

Heat becomes the driver of all functions of temperature. Understanding this becomes a foundational element in the wielding of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is a powerful tool that can estimate everything from the time it takes to cook a turkey, to the heating point needed to make pure alcohol. Basically everything important for surviving Thanksgiving.  


am not a great engineer. So I like my understanding to apply to the social world around me. I'm an entrepreneur with a habit of creating big ideas.  I've found that the idea of cold not existing is true here as well. Projects, companies and ideas are only measured by the amount of heat involved. Pushing, grinding, and all around working generates heat and keeps an idea alive. The bigger the idea the more energy required.  


So no idea is a DEAD idea. This is why the old is new again so often. An idea is made new by the addition of heat to it. It warms it up and makes it hot again. Unfortunately, the converse is true also. If you don't give an idea the heat it needs it will start to cool off. People will loose interest and you'll have no hot idea to curl up with at night.  


Heat is energy. What energy are you using to balance out the equation? It's going to cost you in some way. Not only do you have to put energy into an idea. You have to CONTINUALLY put energy into an idea to sustain it.  


The world around you likes to suck up that energy quickly. It will make your hot turkey into cold cuts before the football game is finished. Be aware before you decide to move an idea forward. It requires energy in more ways than one. Are you prepared to give it?  


Creating is hard

There really are no rules. However, a few guidelines exist.

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